Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

The kids came home last Thursday, announcing that they wanted to participate and dress up as a Dr. Seuss character for his birthday. In fact, Delaney said, "Mom, just google it and you can get some ideas." I'm guessing her teacher used the term "google" because that's not something I say. I suggested that one of them be the cat, but it wasn't well received so we went with three things. On Friday, I bought red t-shirts and designed the iron on transfer. Nana helped complete the shirt by actually ironing on the transfers. Jax was upset because he felt that he needed red pants to complete his outfit but he got over it by the time I dropped him off. Overall, they were pretty proud of their outfits and felt they were quite clever by having shirts with their birth order on them.

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