Sunday, March 28, 2010

Church Hymns & Other Random Notes

In worship, we typically don't look up hymns as they are displayed on a large screen. But for whatever reason, Delaney found the correlation between the number on the screen and in the book and then began following along during service looking up the hymns. Soon the boys followed her lead and were doing their best to find the selections with a little help. Jax, who was sitting next to me also started reading to me the hymns before we would even begin singing and I was surprised to see how well he did. He would then follow along, pointing to the words as they were sung by the congregation. Delaney not only followed along but also sang. It made me realize just how big they are getting and how they are constantly learning.

On a completely different random note, a parent from our team asked Baylor how she could tell him and Jaxon apart. Baylor answered, "Well, Jax always has snot in his nose and I don't. You could also just look at the back of our shirts. They have our name on it!"

And our Gratitude for the week:

Delaney: Pizza-she was happy that we had left over pizza several nights this week.

Boys: They were thankful to play in the championship.

I can honestly say, I haven't had a heart of gratitude this evening, so it's probably a good thing I am stopping to reflect. Our dryer which is only a little over a year old isn't working and I have several loads of laundry which need to be done. Then there were just the other evening frustrations of trying to get everything prepared for the week, while this or that happened. But of course all of those things can be fixed and dealt with so why I let it get to me is beyond me.

This week, I am thankful to live 2.5 minutes from the baseball fields. I've often complained about where we live but there are some definite advantages to living in a small community. Not only are we close in proximity to children's activities, but it's also nice to see them have a small community base and group of friends. More and more those advantages are being revealed to us. I keep thinking that God must have lead us here for some reason. That reason may never totally be revealed to me, but I am learning more and more to TRUST it.

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