Season opener and Jax hit his first homerun of the season. Baylor also played a great game. I managed to catch the last 2.5 innings, where Jax also scored the winning run. He was pretty proud of himself. Great night for baseball!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Church Hymns & Other Random Notes
In worship, we typically don't look up hymns as they are displayed on a large screen. But for whatever reason, Delaney found the correlation between the number on the screen and in the book and then began following along during service looking up the hymns. Soon the boys followed her lead and were doing their best to find the selections with a little help. Jax, who was sitting next to me also started reading to me the hymns before we would even begin singing and I was surprised to see how well he did. He would then follow along, pointing to the words as they were sung by the congregation. Delaney not only followed along but also sang. It made me realize just how big they are getting and how they are constantly learning.
On a completely different random note, a parent from our team asked Baylor how she could tell him and Jaxon apart. Baylor answered, "Well, Jax always has snot in his nose and I don't. You could also just look at the back of our shirts. They have our name on it!"
And our Gratitude for the week:
Delaney: Pizza-she was happy that we had left over pizza several nights this week.
Boys: They were thankful to play in the championship.
I can honestly say, I haven't had a heart of gratitude this evening, so it's probably a good thing I am stopping to reflect. Our dryer which is only a little over a year old isn't working and I have several loads of laundry which need to be done. Then there were just the other evening frustrations of trying to get everything prepared for the week, while this or that happened. But of course all of those things can be fixed and dealt with so why I let it get to me is beyond me.
This week, I am thankful to live 2.5 minutes from the baseball fields. I've often complained about where we live but there are some definite advantages to living in a small community. Not only are we close in proximity to children's activities, but it's also nice to see them have a small community base and group of friends. More and more those advantages are being revealed to us. I keep thinking that God must have lead us here for some reason. That reason may never totally be revealed to me, but I am learning more and more to TRUST it.
We aren't singing....
"We are Champions," but we are are super excited that the team picked up second place in their first pre-season play tournament. We really entered the tournament thinking it would be great pre-season practice, so to play well was icing on the cake. We ended up playing the Sperry Pirates, which we beat in our first game of pool play for the championship. Unlike, yesterday, they brought their "A" game today. Something you don't often see in 6U baseball is a kid catching a pop fly. Jax had a pretty big hit and a player from the other team actually caught it. When Jax was told he was out, he was very confused and disappointed that he didn't get to run the bases.
While a couple of the kids were disappointed not to win it all, Jax and Baylor were just excited to find out that second place winners would receive a team trophy and medals. Even though it was a windy, cold weekend, it's pretty safe to say the boys had a great time playing ball. I know I enjoyed it and I am very excited for baseball season, even though it means I will probably be meeting myself coming and going. At times I think "we" parents get a little more into the game than they actually do. It's a hoot to watch them actually get excited when they make a play but then in the next breath stand there with the ball not knowing what to do next; All the while parents and grandparents are all yelling and shaking their heads in frustration. I'm sure any ordinary on looker would be laughing at all of us. Below, Jax poses with a couple of his BFF's, Evan and Layne. They are not only teammates but classmates. I have a feeling it's going to be a fun season for them.
No time to rest! Regular season play begins tomorrow night. The boys will be playing on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Unfortunately, Delaney has dance on Monday evenings, so when they play the early Monday night games, I won't be able to be there. I am more than a little sad about that but know that's just a part of life and I have a feeling it won't be our only scheduling conflict, as we have yet to receive Delaney's softball schedule. Oh, it's going to be a hectic spring!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Let's Play Ball
Sporting new uniforms and looking very sharp, the boys played in a pre-season tournament today. We played a double header in the morning; the boys played very well for pre-season and won both games. We were suppose to play our third game at 5, but it was more like 5:45 before it even started. By the end of the game, not only was the wind brutal, light rain began to fall. Luckily, the tournament directors decided to delay the championship game until tomorrow.
You might notice that our uniforms aren't the only change this season. We are missing #2. She will make her softball debut in the next few weeks. She's taking it pretty well, but she did mention today that if "we" win the championship. I had to remind her that she was no longer a part of the Rangers.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Keeping Memories Alive
In addition to "he liked OSU, he was fun, and he was really tall," a running theme involving Uncle Rusty is that he always had candy. Delaney recalls that it was all to funny when he once fed twizzlers to the dog and then they joined the fun. They also recalled that Uncle Rusty always seemed to have candy, especially twizzlers and hot tamales. I'm not so sure that Uncle Rusty always had candy, as that he always made sure to have candy on hand when the kids were around. He was notorious for showing up to recitals, the pool, or whatever the occasion may have been with plenty of candy and snacks in hand to entertain the troops.
In those first few years, it was obviously difficult to travel or attend events with three children. But to be honest, we didn't think much about it when we knew family would be present. We always knew we would have extra hands on deck to help with a kid and Uncle Rusty was never shy and always a first to volunteer to take a baby.
Rusty was a live in the moment kind of a guy. He always made those around him feel welcome. Something I will never forget is a moment which was captured on video the day the kids were born. So many of our friends and family gathered at the hospital that evening. I knew having a c-section and the likely hood that the babies would be rushed to the NICU upon their delivery, meant I wouldn't see my babies for quite some time, possibly even the following day. I had instructed Rick to take plenty of video and pictures to bring back to me.
I'm not sure who was in charge of the camera; in fact, it may have been Rusty. The video camera captures much of the first minutes of the kids life in the neo-natal unit as the nurses checked their vitals, and Rick was able to actually go in the NICU and check on them. The video also captures some of our friends and families first remarks such as how much Delaney looked just like her daddy and the typical "awws" over newborns. At some point, they began to separate the babies into separate beds to be dispersed throughout the NICU unit, according to their level of need. For whatever reason, Rick left to be with one of the babies being moved and by this time I think many of our friends and family had probably began to either go home or check on me. However, you can hear Rusty telling someone that he thinks one person should stay and keep an eye on each of the babies, because he didn't feel that any one of them should be left alone. This is a moment that just always lingers in my heart and means more to me than one can imagine. In a moment when I couldn't look after my babies, he thought to watch over them for me.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Me: I am thankful for a healthy Spring Break. For the past two years, the kids have spent a majority of spring break being sick. I didn't have any high expectations this week or activities planned. We just took each day as it came.
Jax: I am thankful for Diary of a Wimpy Kid #2 and #3 books.
Delaney: I am thankful for the garage sale because it fun and I got to buy some new books at the store.
(I am not much of a Garage Sale person but the kids had a ton of fun. They actually helped with set up, and were a huge help during the sale. They wanted to have a lemonade stand but we talked them into selling some pop for 50 cents. They aren't shy in the least. At times, they were great little sales people and at others not so much.)
Baylor: I am thankful I got to get Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Our Favs at 6
I haven't updated their favorites since they were 5. I decided to actually interview them this time.
What's one of your favorite things to play?
J: Monopoly
D: I like to play school, write and illustrate books, and read books
B: Video games (no doubt!)
What's your favorite food?
J: Cheese sticks from Mazzios
D: Macaroni & Cheese
B: Steak! (said with much enthusiasm)
What's your favorite drink?
J: Koolie
D: Orange Pop
B: Cherry Coke
(Really, this all comes second to chocolate milk. I guess these are their answers for something which is a treat.)
What's your favorite place to eat?
J: Chinese food
D: Taco Bell
B: Tokyos Gardens
What's your favorite television show?
J: Oh that's a tough one....Star Wars, The Clone Wars & Phineas & Pherb
D: Everything I watch (Full House, BrainSurge, Phineas & Pherb)
B: SpongeBob & Phineas and Pherb
They are actually all into the new game show called, BrainSurge.
What's your favorite movie?
J: Oh that's a tough one...Star Wars & The Sandlot
D: E.T. & The Sandlot
B: Indiana Jones & Star Wars
What is one of your best days ever/one you will never forget?
J: Stillwater-I really liked the hot tub. I also liked Jedi Training.
D: All the days in Disney.
B: My birthday party.
What is your favorite book?
J: The Diary of a Wimpy Kid
D: The Night Before Christmas but really all of the books that I read. I like all books. (That's my girl!)
B: The Diary of a Wimpy Kid ( I think they only chose this book because we read it last. They are currently loving M0 Williams books.)
What are you most looking forward to?
J: Going to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid
D: Going back to Disney World
B: Swimming in our pool (This is no lie. He's asked several times as to when we will be opening the pool).
Taco Night
I Did It!
First, I had to learn how to use Photoshop, which was quite a task in itself. Then, I had to learn how to change the html code and make sure I had the correct dimensions. Sounds simple but it involved A LOT of trial and error. I'm not sure I love my new design, but the great thing is that I can change it as I like. Maybe next time I'll go for something more contemporary vs. scrapbooky. For now, I am just happy that it's up and functional!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Date Night
Saturday, March 13, 2010
An Attitude of Gratitude
For many reasons, I have decided to try something new. My colleagues and I often discuss kids overwhelming sense of entitlement these days. This includes material things, to privileges, to the simple, these rules can't possibly apply to me. I guess I am feeling more determined to create a sense of gratitude in my children. Yes, we pray and we thank God daily for things but I sometimes think it can become sort of ritualistic, especially for children. Then when they do say something worth noting, I don't take the time to write it down. When the kids were younger, we would often state daily what made them happy that day or something they appreciated, but the truth of the matter with busy schedules, that's sort of fallen by the waste side. Since, they are more than capable of speaking for themselves, I am hoping to ask them on a weekly basis for something they are grateful for and record it here. I am not lost in the fact that adults can sometimes have the same sense of entitlement and lead the pack for whining and complaining. Therefore, I intend to lead by example and work on my own sense of gratitude. I realize for the 2-3 people who read this blog this might be boring and not all that noteworthy, so feel free to skip these post.
However, for the intended audience of this blog, my children, I hope this ritual creates a heart of gratitude and appreciation and I hope you will one day be able to look back at this and see all the big and small things that made you happy, made you smile, and above all realize God's blessings.
Gratitude Journal 1:
Me: I have so much to be thankful for this week, but I must say my partner in life, my husband. I realize that this may seem a bit cliche and where else would I begin, but it's true and here are just a few reasons why.
- On Monday, I attended a funeral to support a co-worker who had lost his father. Rick was kind enough to offer and attend with me. Since he was off early that day, he offered to take Delaney to dance which allowed me the evening at home to get a few things done and spend time with my boys. It's always the little things that are most appreciated.
- I had parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. This is always a difficult and exhausting week, so I am glad it only comes twice a year. To complicate things, the boys had baseball practice on Tuesday and Delaney had softball practice on Thursday evening. Rick of course helps to coach the boys team and he stayed with Delaney since it was her first practice. On Thursday, not only did I have to work late, but I also had to be at work early, so Rick had to get the kids ready and drop them off by himself. While all of this is not an impossible task for one parent, it's always nice to have extra hands and support. I know going it alone wasn't easy but he didn't complain.
- It's Saturday and while the rest of us were doing our fair share of cleaning, he pitched in by vacuuming and going to the store. It's just always nice to know you have a true partner in life.
Jax: I am happy that mommy is reading to us, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
(To my surprise, they began taking interest in the movie previews, so I decided to bring the book home from my classroom. I wasn't sure if they would have the attention span or comprehension level needed to read this book but I was wrong. The main character is a bit pessimistic so I've changed a few of his words and had to explain some of the expressions or vocabulary but all in all, they are loving the book and listening intently. Over the past two days, we've made it to page 115. I'll do anything to ensure they love reading!)
Baylor: The Diary of a Wimpy Kid book because I like it. I am happy that mom is reading it. (note to self: interview separately)
Delaney: I am thankful for mommy because she's nice and I missed her tucking me in and everything you do at night. (Sweet girl must want something)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Then, she decided to be a silly girl. I wanted to get shots of just the boys but we were running late.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
6 1/2
My kids are now officially 6 1/2, which seems virtually impossible. It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating in the Magic Kingdom. I have to admit, at times, the age of 6 hasn't been all that magical. Maybe the two's are just still too much of a blur; I certainly remember them having their fair share of meltdowns at this age, especially when we ventured off of their routine. I don't remember the three's being all that terrible except for the frustrating part of potty-training the boys. So, I'm thinking, for us, it just may be the terrible 6's. In the past few months, my children have really challenged me in ways I hadn't quite imagined or at least hadn't imagined until they were at least teens. It was as if my cooperative angels had been replaced by little demons. While becoming more opinionated, stubborn, and strong-willed, they seemed to also become downright lazy.
I have learned to ride the wave with Baylor, as he has always presented me with challenges from time to time. He's always been so emotional, especially when he feels frustrated or doesn't get what he wants. Controlling his emotions and re-directing them has been something we've always worked on. However, over the past few months, Delaney seems to be engaging me in power struggles. It seems she wants to challenge me on everything from clothes, to hair, to when to take a bath or get out of the bath and anything else. It's clear she wants to be the boss and do things when she wants to do them. Then, my most cooperative, easy going, people pleasing child, Jax decided he just didn't care about anything.
When we weren't in combat, it seemed as if they were completely ignoring me and I found myself repeating directions 10 times. And while I was taking way privileges, it didn't seem to do anything but wear me out. I was at a complete loss and if I heard my kids say, "I don't wanna" one more time, I felt like I was going to end up in the loony bin.
On a whim, one Sunday morning, I quickly decided to give each of them a card which was nothing more than a mini-chart with traits and behaviors I wanted them to display such as kind words, listening/following directions, and a general category of good choices. The card contains a total of 25 boxes which they must earn X's for and once their card is complete they earn a reward. Jax and Delaney took to this system immediately. They all dressed themselves for church for the first time in forever and have ever since then. And, for the first week, Jax was up and out of bed dressing himself for the first time all year. They've even took on additional chores such as cleaning up without a fight, helping to empty the dishwasher etc. We've had our chart system for 5 or 6 weeks and I am happy to report that while some of the eagerness to earn X's by doing additional chores and tasks has faded, they are doing so much better. Our sweet Jax returned, Baylor seems to be in a pretty good place for now, and we're still working on Delaney's attitude at times.
The completion of their chart earns them $5, so they are also learning to manage their money. I just hope I can continue with this system and the positive re-enforcement. I am sure we will face many more challenges and probably in a few years, I will look back and see this as nothing more than a little bump, as I face even bigger things. God help me!
I feel compelled to end on a positive note as not all things are bad. They are excelling in school, reading fluently, and have learned so much this year. They still amaze me everyday by saying something funny or even somewhat insightful for a 6 year old. On most days, they get along well with each other and still love lots of affection from their parents. We are so blessed to have the privilege to be their parents in the best of moments and in those that challenge us.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Happy Birthday, Rick
Wacky Wednesday
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss