Thursday, January 29, 2009

Delaney's First Visit from the Tooth Fairy

A little snow and ice didn't stop the tooth fairy from making a delivery. I hardly thought this would be that noteworthy, but when Delaney is involved there is always drama. Sleeping Beauty, who is always last to wake up, was in my room at 6:30 a.m. I was half awake because I had heard Rick's alarm go off but I was trying really hard to go back to sleep. She whispered, "Mama, the tooth fairy came." I replied, "Really, what did she leave?" But, she was gone. I looked up and she is running back towards the hallway. I figured she was just going to get her dollars when she took a left towards the boys room. I chased after her but she had already turned on the light and with great excitement was informing the boys of her special visit. I quickly turned off the light and told them to go back to sleep but not long afterwards they were awake. I can't really be all that upset. After all, the magic and sparkle in her eyes warms my heart.

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