Wednesday, January 28, 2009's gone

Since I am playing domestic goddess this week, I prepared a home cooked meal of fried chicken, corn on the cob, biscuits and gravy. Delaney was eating her corn on the cob when I noticed what appeared to be something brownish on her corn. I immediately told her to stop chewing and to open her mouth. Sure enough...she was missing her bottom tooth. I was thinking we would have at least a couple of months before she lost it and I never thought it would just fall out. Of course I was frantic that she was going to swallow her very first tooth. Being the sentimental person that I am, I was not about to let that happen. I had to have that tooth. I was getting ready to have her spit into a napkin when I saw something tiny stuck to her cheek. And there it was her little tiny baby tooth!

Nana gave Delaney this little pillow some time ago. Thanks Nana, for having her prepared because mom sure wasn't. She's very excited about the upcoming tooth fairy visit.

Sweet dreams...toothless girl.

1 comment:

Devin said...

I can't believe they are already losing their teeth. So grown up! I hope the tooth fairy is good to her.