Thursday, May 13, 2010

Unexpected Twist

I was prepared for a very busy week of ball, but due to the recent storms and rain, we've been rained out. This morning, I was almost to work when a co-worker called to inform me that Union was closed. I wasn't exactly thrilled because now another day has been tacked on to the year, which means the kids and I will actually get out on the same day. Selfishly, I was looking forward to a "me" day, while they finished their last day of school.

I actually managed to make it back in town to take the kids to school. For the past couple of weeks, the kids have been eagerly anticipating today, where they would be bussed to the HS auditorium, to attend the Stephen Fite concert. They have spent the past couple of weeks listening to his music, so they were super pumped. Who's Stephen Fite? I guess he's the Garth Brooks of elementary kids. Well, maybe not Garth Brooks, but he has a way of engaging the students and teaching them a little along the way. (I even learned the months of the year in Spanish.) The kids were excited that I was able to make it and I enjoyed watching them have fun. I captured a little of their favorite dance, "the beaver call" on video.

Jax wasn't feeling well, so we had a little lunch date together and then I took him to the doctor. For a day off, it was a busy one but I won't complain.

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