Thursday, April 29, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I guess in all the years, we've never been in sync with the ice cream truck when they have made random runs through the neighborhood. Yesterday, as we pulled in our neighborhood, the ice cream truck was leaving. Of course the kids sighed knowing that once again they had missed the ice cream truck. Today, as we were pulling in the garage, we heard the truck coming again, and the kids dashed inside to get their money. I pretty much knew once again there was no way they were going to catch him and sure enough he passed down the street. I continued unloading our things for the day into the house and I could hear the kids yelling, "Ice cream man, come back. We have money. We really have money. Come back. We want some ice cream!"

About five minutes passed and sure enough, I heard the familiar music approaching once again. I ran outside and there was Jax purchasing an ice cream sandwich. Delaney also had money in hand ready to make a purchase. Baylor wasn't as prepared but Jax offered to purchase him a treat.

As an adult, all I can see is the gigantic mark-up on the ice cream, knowing I could purchase almost an entire box of ice cream sandwiches for the price of one. However, I can also remember as a kid how much joy I got out of purchasing a treat from the ice cream truck.

Delaney couldn't have been happier about her purchase. As she sat there slurping away on her snow cone, she exclaimed, "I FINALLY got to buy something from the ice-cream truck."
Something tells me the ice cream truck will be back again very soon. He's found three eager customers.

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