Wednesday, December 23, 2020

2019: Photo Dump, Part 1

It's the end of 2020, but I just discovered that I can get back into this blog.  I haven't written this for anyone other than myself and my children.  I have found myself with a lot of time on my hands so here goes an attempt re-cap the past two years of our lives.

January 2019:  The kids experience their title of state champs

March:  The kids received their permits.  I thought potty training was the most difficult parenting task for three but I changed my mind after teaching them to drive.  I think it was definitely the "lack of control" on my part that made it so difficult. 

The kids took their permit test in Bartlesville and then I let them each take a turn at driving on the way back to school.  I look back at these pictures just a 1.5 later and they look like babies. 

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