Thursday, February 10, 2011


Life has yet to return to "normal." Although, at this point, I'm not even sure what normal is and I'm beginning to enjoy my new role as lazy domestic goddess. I just get a little cranky when I think about spending my summer days working. Monday and Tuesday the kids returned to school. Delaney was actually singing Monday morning because she was so excited to return to school. I used my time to run errands (My drivers license is no longer expired), re-stock groceries and clean. It's amazing how fast the day passes while the kids are at school.

Wednesday, we were hit with yet another snow storm which dumped close to a foot of snow. Outside of some kid activities, I spent the day reading and being lazy, but I knew Delaney was becoming VERY restless. So, this morning at 8:00 a.m, following the Pioneer Woman's recipe, we began making Cinnamon rolls.

I began with two helpers; notice, Baylor's in the background playing a video game.

Uncharted territory: I've never made anything which required yeast!

They soon realized we weren't making Pillsbury's cinnamon rolls.

At this point, here are the directions from the Pioneer Woman's site:
Cover and let sit for at least an hour. Go throw away the rest of your wrapping paper or build a Lego Rottweiler or do Yoga or watch Home Shopping Network and order a frozen pizza oven for your countertop or some cellulite cream.

After asking exactly what all of that meant, they took it very literal and decided to build with their legos. I used the time to begin polishing every wood surface in my house from base boards to all of cabinets. Really, who am I turning into?

After an hour passed, Jax couldn't manage to leave his legos behind, but Delaney was all about finishing up.

Finally, a little after 12:oo, we enjoyed a Cinnamon roll for lunch.

From the food critic, Mr. Picky, "These rolls are delicious; they are the best cinnamon rolls I ever had!"

The recipe called for a maple icing, but I substituted with a vanilla. I think next time, I will try the maple.

Well, I guess it's time to finish my "to-do" list for the day, starting with cleaning the kitchen.


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