Monday, February 14, 2011

Boy Time & Girl Time

The boys, Rick and their Papa headed to Stillwater Friday night and enjoyed some "guy" time together before Jax competed at Regionals on Saturday. Jax placed 6th and qualified for State. We are very proud of him. We are equally as proud of Baylor who cheered his brother on and I was told by more than one person how well behaved my boys were this weekend which makes me even more proud.

While the boys were away, Delaney and I also enjoyed our girl time with a little trip to the mall. Saturday after running a few errands, we spent some time relaxing and prepping for Delaney's dance competition that evening. Her group placed second in their age division.

I sure missed all of my boys over the weekend but I also enjoyed time with my girl. I'm sure Rick would echo my sentiments.

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