Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed In

Very early in the week the weathermen began predicting a major ice/snow event sending many into panic, especially since the ice storm of 2007 still lingers fresh in our minds, with not so fond memories. I, along with most others in the area, hit the grocery store Wednesday to stock up on last minute items. It was almost absurd to see people buying up flashlights, lanterns, ice-melt while it was 60 degrees outside. We even contemplated purchasing a generator but in the end decided to try and weather the storm as we felt more prepared this time. We charged everything imaginable, prepared for the worst, and hoped for the best.

Thursday was a day of anticipation-just waiting for the big event to hit and praying we would make it home safely. Fortunately, the system stalled a bit and the precip didn't really begin to fall until around 2:00. I had a nice layer to scrape from my car, but my drive was smooth. By nightfall, the area had seen a nice amount of freezing rain and sleet, but the lights only dimmed once and we hoped we had averted the worst. All schools were closed so I looked forward to a nice warm day at home.

It seems like the past few weeks have been non-stop with something and I was really feeling a bit stressed to say the least. A day in our pajamas, with no where to go was just what the doctor ordered. While 8 inches of snow fell throughout the day, I managed to catch up on a few household tasks, start a good book, and just enjoy being trapped in the house with my favorite people. It's funny that it takes a snow storm, to remind us to "be still."

Last night, we decided to introduce the kids to snow ice cream and floats. I'm not sure who enjoyed this more, Rick and I or the kids. I for one am looking forward a weekend of "being still."

Sometimes the simpliest things in life, warm my heart the most. Man, I love these people.

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