One year and two days later from Delaney losing her first tooth, Baylor lost his first. Yesterday afternoon, Jax came running into the room, shouting with great excitement that Baylor had a loose tooth. I immediately inspected and sure enough it wasn't just loose it was really loose and I could see his other tooth coming in behind. Rick was gone shoveling my mom's drive way and I entertained the thought of making him wait until he got home, but decided to summon the courage to pull it myself. I asked him if he wanted it pulled and he said, yes but wanted to know if it would hurt. I said, "not really."
We were both brave and I manged to pull the tooth with ease. I'm not sure who was more amazed. He immediately called a few people and also wanted to take a picture and text his teacher. I told him we could probably wait till Monday on that one.
And only in the Ward house could we then actually lose the tooth. I had the tooth sitting on the counter and he decided to put it in his tooth fairy pillow. From there, they apparently decided to play tooth fairy. I think you can see where this is going. We looked and looked trying to re-trace his steps, but couldn't find it. He was a bit devastated but in the end, we wrote a note.
This morning, he came in my room proudly waving his dollars and said, "She (tooth fairy) is really sneaky!" Then, all of them went and inspected the boys room like they might find clues left behind.
Now, Jax continues to wait for a loose tooth. I think it might be a while.