Friday, July 31, 2009


Is it really the end of July? It sure doesn't feel like it. The weather has just been so unusual and for me it's just been dreary and somewhat depressing. Between the rain showers and cloudy days, it's just enough to keep the pools down right chilly. Of course then I have to think is it really the end of summer vacation? Once again it has flown by with this week being the exception. The kids had VBS this week, which they enjoyed immensely and I am continued to be amazed at all they learn (including how to be a cowboy!) However, this made for some very late nights. Between the weather and being cranky, we just haven't done all that much this week. We had dentist appointments, picked up school supplies, and just hung around the house. Last night we did get out as a family to enjoy Fifth Night and had a great time, but I forgot my camera so I have no pics. This in itself should probably indicate my current state of mind. Next week it is suppose to be warm again, just in time for me to spend my days reassembling my classroom. I am really hoping we can find a couple more days to enjoy summer vacation.

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