Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Totally Random

Nothing earth shattering, but I suppose a couple of noteworthy events happened over the weekend, while I was enjoying a little time with friends and doing my part to stimulate the economy.

1. Rick decided that he would encourage the kids to go down the silver bullet at Big Splash. Surprisingly, it only took a koolie to bribe the kids into doing this. I think they are a few inches short, but what do you know, some Big Splash worker and my husband thought it was okay. I'm kinda glad I missed this. I probably would have had a heart attack. In the end, the boys even went for a second round. They say they enjoyed it. It's amazing the power he possess over them at times. Let's hope that same influence is there during the teen years.

2. Funny Story: Rick was driving the kids to church on Sunday morning, when they happened along some construction on the highway. Delaney said, "Hey, boys, I helped pay for that." Rick was thinking what is this girl talking about, until she explains to the boys that she had recently bought something at Build a Bear and had to pay tax, which goes to help pay for road repair. Of course tax is a concept I had tried to explain to her. This is totally like my girl to take credit for something and repeat exactly what I had said to her a month ago.

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