I spent my few hours of freedom in the morning going to the store and picking up some fun things to keep us busy on this somewhat dreary day. Typically, I am a work first, play later kind of person. Most fall breaks I dedicate at least the first few days to cleaning out closets or taking care of things I have neglected. Today, I decided we would have a full day of fun. We went home and baked cookies. This may have been the first time my kids have actually baked chocolate chip cookies. (I know that's really pathetic). Usually, I buy the cookie dough already made. Just so I don't sound completely horrible, they have baked brownies and cookies so they have experienced the joy of baking. However today, I let them use the mixer and even let Jax crack the egg. Baylor was a little upset that the recipe didn't call for two eggs.
Our second big event of the day was after nap. The kids spend a great deal of time these days coloring and drawing. They have always loved to paint, but I have always felt that was a fun project for school. But today, I actually bought some paint and let them work on becoming little Picasso's. In the end, Jax preferred mixing his paint brush in the water to make a "potion" but the other two were very proud of their finished product.
Afterwards, they just had to go outside and play. Although it is probably the coldest day we have had so far; it wasn't necessarily as cold as they thought. When they came back in, they insisted on having hot chocolate. I really think they enjoy the idea of hot chocolate more than the hot chocolate itself.
Tomorrow morning I am sure that I will succumb to cleaning out at least one closet. After all, it's time to move out the kids summer clothes. Tomorrow afternoon, Jax has a check-up with the allergy doctor and we have our first parent/teacher conference. It will be a another full day just not as fun-filled.
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