Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baylor's Lost Tooth

One year and two days later from Delaney losing her first tooth, Baylor lost his first. Yesterday afternoon, Jax came running into the room, shouting with great excitement that Baylor had a loose tooth. I immediately inspected and sure enough it wasn't just loose it was really loose and I could see his other tooth coming in behind. Rick was gone shoveling my mom's drive way and I entertained the thought of making him wait until he got home, but decided to summon the courage to pull it myself. I asked him if he wanted it pulled and he said, yes but wanted to know if it would hurt. I said, "not really."

We were both brave and I manged to pull the tooth with ease. I'm not sure who was more amazed. He immediately called a few people and also wanted to take a picture and text his teacher. I told him we could probably wait till Monday on that one.

And only in the Ward house could we then actually lose the tooth. I had the tooth sitting on the counter and he decided to put it in his tooth fairy pillow. From there, they apparently decided to play tooth fairy. I think you can see where this is going. We looked and looked trying to re-trace his steps, but couldn't find it. He was a bit devastated but in the end, we wrote a note.

This morning, he came in my room proudly waving his dollars and said, "She (tooth fairy) is really sneaky!" Then, all of them went and inspected the boys room like they might find clues left behind.

Now, Jax continues to wait for a loose tooth. I think it might be a while.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday's Agenda

Enjoyed a nice breakfast of omelets (prepared by Rick), bacon and cinnamon toast; played in the snow; sipped hot chocolate and played Guess Who?; beat Jax 4 times in the game of Uno; pulled Baylor's first tooth; read; made more snow floats; munched on popcorn, while watching The Sandlot; finished my book.

Sure, there was a little work in there, but over all we tried to enjoy a Saturday without an agenda.

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Snowed In

Very early in the week the weathermen began predicting a major ice/snow event sending many into panic, especially since the ice storm of 2007 still lingers fresh in our minds, with not so fond memories. I, along with most others in the area, hit the grocery store Wednesday to stock up on last minute items. It was almost absurd to see people buying up flashlights, lanterns, ice-melt while it was 60 degrees outside. We even contemplated purchasing a generator but in the end decided to try and weather the storm as we felt more prepared this time. We charged everything imaginable, prepared for the worst, and hoped for the best.

Thursday was a day of anticipation-just waiting for the big event to hit and praying we would make it home safely. Fortunately, the system stalled a bit and the precip didn't really begin to fall until around 2:00. I had a nice layer to scrape from my car, but my drive was smooth. By nightfall, the area had seen a nice amount of freezing rain and sleet, but the lights only dimmed once and we hoped we had averted the worst. All schools were closed so I looked forward to a nice warm day at home.

It seems like the past few weeks have been non-stop with something and I was really feeling a bit stressed to say the least. A day in our pajamas, with no where to go was just what the doctor ordered. While 8 inches of snow fell throughout the day, I managed to catch up on a few household tasks, start a good book, and just enjoy being trapped in the house with my favorite people. It's funny that it takes a snow storm, to remind us to "be still."

Last night, we decided to introduce the kids to snow ice cream and floats. I'm not sure who enjoyed this more, Rick and I or the kids. I for one am looking forward a weekend of "being still."

Sometimes the simpliest things in life, warm my heart the most. Man, I love these people.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Evenings Amusement

I'm pretty sure Christmas Break seemed like an eternity for the kids, while for me it seemed to pass in a flash. The kids were very excited to return to school today and I noticed Baylor, in particular really recounting all that he had learned today. The kids reading skills are really taking off and they are beginning to spell, and read everyday print, trying to sound out many words around them. While eating dinner, Baylor began to talk about compound words. Somewhere in the process he began to talk about spaghetti (which we were not having for dinner) and he was really pronouncing every syllable. I noted that he still called it, Basghetti, and Delaney was still pronouncing it, Pesghetti. I guess it's one of those things that I thought was cute at one point, and then I just became accustomed to it. However, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to explain that it actually began with the letter, s, and I sounded it out slowly for them. Delaney immediately began to try and pronounce it correctly, while Baylor was off in his own world sounding it out slowly. He then turned to Delaney and said, "See, Delaney...the Ba, Ba sound is silent."

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Proud Boy, Proud Mom, Proud Dad

Jax took fourth place today at the Glenpool Wrestling tournament, earning his very first wrestling medal. I can't go without mentioning that Baylor seemed to turn-it-on today. He did very well and is progressing each week. He was very disappointed that he didn't receive a medal and it was very hard for him to watch his brother earn one. Jax was kind enough to let his brother try on his. This was very touching to watch. Baylor now thinks they are "sharing" it. I'm sure at some point, true ownership will surface, but I will enjoy it for the time being.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Defining a Decade

I'm sure soon historians will begin to define the last decade, just as they have defined previous decades. There was the "big" 80's decade, the "grunge" 90's etc. I'm pretty sure, no matter what historians label the past ten years, for me it will be the most defining. I realize this is a hefty statement, considering I'm only in my 30's, but it was most certainly our decade of beginnings.

In October of 2000, we began our journey together as husband and wife.

In 2002, we began our walk with God and found a wonderful church home.
Although not quite as planned, we began our journey into parenthood with a bang in 2003.We soon learned that our lives would never be the same. As two very independent people, we learned that we would have to work together, and accept help and support from those around us. We watched our preemies blossom into three little people with distinct personalities. We celebrated milestones, but none as significant as surviving our first year of parenthood.

In 2004, leaving the corporate world behind, I began a career in education. This certainly wasn't easy in the beginning, but a decision I don't regret in the least. The schedule and time flexibility lead me to this decision, but surprisingly, I learned that this was actually a great fit for me, and I finally found something I felt passionate about.

In 2005, feeling a bit more stable but rapidly out growing our first home, as toddlers romped about, we decided to build a home more suitable to our needs. This move took us about a mile north of our current location. Our first experience in selling and building a new home was stressful to say the least.

In 2006, after living in our new home for less than 5 months, life brought us another unexpected turn. Rick was offered a position with Conoco Phillips. Accepting this position meant we would have to move...again. We survived yet another move (much farther north) in 2007, and I think it would be fair to say we have spent the past two years trying to adjust to our life in a new town.

For the most part, we will probably remember this decade for round the clock feedings, endless diapers, first words, learning to walk, potty-training, ABC's, and all the joys that those first years bring. We traded in our social engagements and interests, for a child driven social calendar of activities and birthday parties.
We wrapped up the final months of this decade, with the entrance into Kindergarten. We are learning to adjust to a new routine, consisting of packing lunches, homework, learning to read, and trying to balance activities.

One thing is for sure God granted me many gifts in the past ten years. He taught me that life doesn't always follow my agenda, and an even harder lesson that life can be unexpectedly cut short. With that, I have no idea what is in store the next ten years, but I hope that it will build on all our beginnings. I pray we will continue to mature spiritually, guide our children towards a Christian walk, and never take what he has bestowed upon us for granted.

Ring In, Ring Out

This is how I began the decade. I was newly engaged and managed to convince my fiance to go all out for Y2K. We bought tickets to a New Years Eve Hotel party and were all dressed up in our little black dresses. I think this is the last time, we actually went all out for New Years. (Yes, I do have pictures of Rick and me but they are not scanned, so this will have to mark the occasion). I have to admit, I enjoyed the music, dancing, and the big countdown to midnight. Most importantly, I spent the year with my two best friends in the world and the one I loved.
How fast time flies! Ten years later, I marked the end of the decade with a quiet evening...well as quiet as it gets with three kids. No make-up, sweats, and pajamas was the dress attire. We ordered pizza, and played a mean, very long game of Monopoly.

Here's our little money hungry, railroad owning, hotel mongrel who won the game!

And, I was the big loser of the evening. However, I would definitely count myself as a winner in life. All I have to do is look at these faces to appreciate a quiet evening at home, no matter what day of the year the calendar states. There was no big countdown to midnight, just kisses goodnight a little before 9:00. But, once again, I consider myself blessed to have ushered out the decade with the ones I love the most.

Happy New Year!!!

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