1. Baylor broke his wrist. This required an ER visit and he spent the end of May and June in a cast. Luckily, we were able to get a water proof cast before leaving for vacation. I might add after the initial ER visit, where he was in a lot of pain, he was a real trooper.
2. I finished school and earned my MASTERS! Yay!!!
3. The kids went to church camp and of course loved every minute, except for the fact that they had to leave a day early. We earned worst parent ever award there. I am however, thankful that when they return their hearts are full for God.
4. We finally made it back to the beach. This will deserve many posts all to it's own. All I can say is when do we go back???
5. We enjoyed pool and lake time with friends and family.
6. I turned the big 4-0. Tear. But, I must admit my hubby and friends made it a fun evening. We even met Jill Donovan who gifted us Rustic Cuff and many years from now someone will say...who was that?
7. The kids started middle school. Even more tears....
This weekend, Delaney has spent the weekend with the Fulkerson's at the lake celebrating Hunter's birthday.
Today, our girl came home and we spent some family time out by the pool. Even Bodie got in on a little pool action.
So as seasons change, I am always sad to see summer go and will count down the days until her return. In the meantime, it's time to enjoy my second favorite season, fall. And, in this house, we are ready for some football. Go Cowboys!
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