Saturday, August 30, 2008


The kids went with my mother to a family reunion in Jett, which is located towards the Oklahoma Panhandle. Apparently, some of our family were founders of the town during the Oklahoma land run. The kids were pumped to take another mini-vacation, and I have to admit I was looking forward to a little "down" time. They left Friday after school; so, Rick and I actually went out on a date that evening. We still had a gift card from Christmas we had never used which shows how often we actually go on a date. We rarely get a sitter unless we have something to attend with other people. It was nice to have dinner and see a movie without any little voices interrupting. And, I also felt more freedom not worrying about how the kids were doing at home or making sure we were home at a certain time.
Saturday, I met a couple of friends for breakfast and then ran some errands, and did a little shopping. I returned home to an empty house (Rick was gone enjoying the games with friends) about mid-afternoon. In the past 5 years, I have never had the house to myself for more than an hour. Thinking the kids would be home around 5 or 6, I cleaned house, did laundry etc. I had to remind myself that I could actually sit down and watch the living room television instead of retreating to my bedroom. At first, I enjoyed the peace but as time went on, I really felt lonely. The house just felt so empty without my children. The kids didn't end up getting home until close to 8. I didn't want to start any big project because I kept thinking they would be home. Typically time flies but it seemed to pass ever so slowly. Ironically, it seems I am always wanting a little peace and when I finally got it, I didn't know what to do with it!
Within 10 minutes of the kids return, reality set hold. While giving the kids a bath, Baylor and Delaney got into a little fight and they were both crying. They were tired so they went off to bed very easy. But, even in that short amount of time, the house is no longer spotless. There is a toy sitting on the couch and toys are on the stairs. And, even though the kids are now sleeping and silence feels the house, I no longer feel lonely. Life seems normal once again.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

So, today I sent my babies off to Pre-K. Rick likes to point out that they haven't been babies for a long time. I know that but it also seems like just yesterday that they were babies and now they are off to public school. I'm not sure how we got here. Time really does fly.

The kids have been anticipating this day all week. On Monday, we went to "meet the teacher" where they met, Mrs. Whitehill. I chose the teacher so we already knew who they had for a teacher. Delaney has been asking for weeks if Mrs. Whitehill lives on a hill. We've been trying to explain that its just her last name. After, "meet the teacher" night Jax said, "I thought she was going to have white hair. " I guess he was thinking that the last name must have meant something as well. His teacher is very young, sweet and cute and far from having any white hair. Jax also pointed out once again that he won't be seeing his best friend, Emily as much.

Tuesday Baylor woke up thinking it was time to go to school. When I informed him once again that he didn't start school until Wednesday, he cried and told me, "I'm sick of you telling me one more day. I want to go to school." Although, he was throwing a fit, I was happy that it wasn't the other way around and him not wanting to go to school.

Luckily, my students do no arrive until Thursday so I was able to go in a little late and take the kids to school for their first day. Everyone was more than cooperative. Delaney said several times that her stomach hurt her but she would be okay. I think it was nerves. I fixed everyone what they wanted for breakfast.
Jax eating waffles
Delaney eating cinnamon toast
Baylor requested fruity pebbles but it was a little early for him to be eating!
All together and ready for school!
"you can take my picture, but I am not smiling"

"ready for school!"

Ms. Strike a pose looks so grown up!

Walking to class...

It was a little errie to be in my old elementary school even though it has changed

Arrival to Mrs. Whitehills Beach Club. The kids were more than excited to see their name on little "fishies" and the room to have sea creatures! They have been so fascianted in everything that has to do with the beach.

And, then I left... Rick had forbid me to shed any tears while we were there

From what they told me, it was a typical first day where they learned where things were and how to follow some simple procedures. They said they learned how to pick up toys, but I have a feeling that at home they will still receive a failing grade. Jax was amazed that the school has a library. And, they told me all about going to the "afeteria" to see the "ancipal" speak. Delaney was very excited that they were able to paint. The only disappointment was that they didn't get to play on the playground. Apparently, they were working on it but their teacher has promised that they can play soon. At home, they were continuously playing school. It was apparent that a whole new world had opened up for them...full of new words which they can barely pronounce!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Early Birthday Celebration

Today, while I was shopping with my best friend, Carole (which was a birthday present in itself), the kids went shopping with Dad for my gift. As soon as I got home, they couldn't wait until my actual birthday to give me their gift, an iPod docking station. At four, it's very hard to keep a secret. They would say, "We are not suppose to tell you, but we did get you a Dr. Seuss card". Before long, Jax was offering just clues, "Well, it plays 'muslic". (Not a typo, that's how he says music). So far, Delaney has enjoyed the gift as much as I have.
For dinner, we went to Tokyo Garden, one of our favorite places to eat, but one we eat at only on special occasions. The kids love to watch the "fire"! Baylor is usually a little slow to warm up to all of the excitement, but he comes around especially once all the good food begins to hit the plate.

Photographer, Delaney took this picture

Enjoying the show

The kids love the noodles and insist on eating with chop sticks!Yummy, ice cream for Delaney while Dad finishes off plate #2- everyones leftovers!