Thursday, Baylor was finally fever free for over 24 hours, and doing better so we met our good friends, Monica, Katie and Emily at the zoo. It was very crowded. We waited till the end to ride the train, which was a mistake because the line was extremely long. All of the kids opted to ride the carousel instead, which did not make Baylor happy. I have promised that I would let him ride the train first thing next time. Overall, it was a beautiful day for the zoo.

Friday, the boys went with Daddy for hair cuts, and Delaney went with mommy for a hair cut. She had been begging for months to get her hair cut again. I finally caved and said she could keep it short for the summer. She looks very grown up when it's left down.

Delaney & Jax finally caught Baylor's crud on Friday. So far, Jax is handling it pretty well. His asthma is bothering him so we had to break out the nebulizer for some breathing treatments. This is a little easier than when they were babies. Delaney has been running fever and has a cough. We are praying she gets well for Easter.

Saturday, full of Ibuprofen, but as promised we ventured to see the Easter Bunny. On the way, the kids speculated as to how the Easter bunny got to Wal-mart (drove, landed on the roof etc.). Jax, "I think he hopped!"

Delaney, "I think that might be a costume!"
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