Thursday, November 1, 2007


Baylor wasn't much into playing games at the carnival. He only wanted popcorn!

Friday, we attended Spookoroo, Saturday we attended a Trunk or Treat, and Sunday we attended the annual Good Guy Carnival at our church. Tuesday you wore your costume at school and had a party. Finally, on Halloween we made the rounds to family and then hit a neighborhood for treating. You did well. You got lots of candy for Daddy! This year though you are monitoring your candy supply.

We are now ready for the next holiday. The Toys R Us Catalog arrived a week ago. Since then Baylor has been carrying it everywhere faithfully. His copy was a little ragged so he tradeed it in and stole a fresh copy from Nana's. He is set on getting "Mac" (a Car's truck). He likes a lot of things but this seems to have caught his eye. When he wakes up, this is the first thing he looks for.
So far Jax has really not shown interest in anything. He' s just not a toy lover. Delaney has mentioned a few things she would like Santa to bring her. The top of her list is anything to do with make-up!

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