Wednesday, March 26, 2008


"How did the Easter bunny know I liked smarties? "

Easter egg hunt at Nana's

Brookelyn & Jax

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I prayed Delaney would wake up fever free Sunday morning, but she had a very rough night. She was awake coughing every three hours and at 4:00 a.m., she had a fever of 102. At that point, I realized we would not get to go to church and to all of our Easter activities. Delaney was crushed when I told her we wouldn't go to church, Nana's, or Aunt Laura's. Actually, she threw quite the fit. After loading her system with Tylenol and Ibuprofen, her fever finally broke around 10 that morning, so we went to Nana's for a little egg hunt and tried to minimize her exposure to others.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Break Continued

Thursday, Baylor was finally fever free for over 24 hours, and doing better so we met our good friends, Monica, Katie and Emily at the zoo. It was very crowded. We waited till the end to ride the train, which was a mistake because the line was extremely long. All of the kids opted to ride the carousel instead, which did not make Baylor happy. I have promised that I would let him ride the train first thing next time. Overall, it was a beautiful day for the zoo.

Friday, the boys went with Daddy for hair cuts, and Delaney went with mommy for a hair cut. She had been begging for months to get her hair cut again. I finally caved and said she could keep it short for the summer. She looks very grown up when it's left down.
Delaney & Jax finally caught Baylor's crud on Friday. So far, Jax is handling it pretty well. His asthma is bothering him so we had to break out the nebulizer for some breathing treatments. This is a little easier than when they were babies. Delaney has been running fever and has a cough. We are praying she gets well for Easter. Saturday, full of Ibuprofen, but as promised we ventured to see the Easter Bunny. On the way, the kids speculated as to how the Easter bunny got to Wal-mart (drove, landed on the roof etc.). Jax, "I think he hopped!"
Delaney, "I think that might be a costume!"

The only way I can get Baylor to get in a picture with the other two!
On the way home, we stopped by to see an Easter Gift from Nana, a swing set to play on at her house.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break

Spring break hasn't gone exactly as planned, but it has been very nice to be home. Baylor has been sick with Bronchitis. Yesterday, the poor guy spent all day on the couch.
We've completed some much needed cleaning. Delaney & Jax were eager to vacuum their rooms, so I wasn't going to stop them. Today, our big event was coloring eggs.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life at Four

It's hard to believe that the kids are 4 1/2!!! They have had a wonderful year in the puppies class at Kids Kare. It's a little sad to think that they will be off to public school next year. Instead of being a third of the class, they will be 3 of 20 something! :(

The kids are very excited about summer and can't wait to go swimming & go on vacation. They've been enjoying playing outside when the weather is warm. It's a race everyday when we get home to see who can get the mail. Delaney & Jax love to play Dora Memory and are both very good at it. Baylor likes to play on occasion, but he really doesn't have the attention span for it. The one cartoon that everyone can agree on for the moment is "Little Bill".

Jax is still has a way with words. He's always the first to say how much he loves you, misses you, or tell you how beautiful you look. He still enjoys watching television and likes playing with Baylor & Delaney. He enjoys being a helper and likes to help put groceries away. He's still not really into toys but he does enjoy his leapster. He loves earning tokens on his cars game. He just learned to jump rope which he thinks is pretty cool. He can write his name. His prayer is consistent each night: "Dear God, thank you for my mom & dad, nana & mimi, Patrick & Julie, granny & papa, & Ms. Monica. Helps us to be good for our mom & dad & teachers. Helps us to stay on green. Help (whoever is sick) get feel better. And help my muscles get STRONG. Jesus name. Amen. Each night he talks with his dad about going on vacation and about all of the sea creatures they will see.

Favorite food: bread, yogurt, Cheese Pizza

Favorite place to eat: McDonalds & Chineese Food

Favorite Cartoon: Sponge Bob, Scooby Doo

Favorite Book: Apples on Top by Dr. Suess

Delaney is still a drama queen. She also loves to feel important and will help with almost anything. She is by far the best in picking up toys. She LOVES school and loves to write. She can write almost any letter in all caps. However, she insist that she write her name in capital letters. She thinks everyone else in the world is wrong. Speaking of head strong, it's a battle every Sunday with what she is going to wear. She would prefer to wear her jean skirt every Sunday. She has decided she really doesn't like dresses and wants to wear skirts. She still loves High School Musical and she was telling me the other day that she wanted her hair fixed like one of the characters. We haven't had to watch it every day, but she loves listening to her FP3 player. She's been watching American Idol with me. She still asks one million questions about everything. It was fun trying to explain voting, and going home with regards to American Idol.

Favorite Food: CHEESE, yogurt, apple sauce, taco chips

Favorite place to eat: Taco Bueno

Favorite Cartoon: Little Bill

Favorite Toy: FP3 player, Jax as her "baby" (no need for dolls)

Baylor's personality hasn't changed a bit since he was a baby. Life is either all good or a major fit is a brewing! He likes to be funny when he can get an audience. He loves trains and cars and could play by himself for hours. He's the one who really wants the McDonalds toy ,and to be fair he's the only one who can be entertained by something as small as the McD toy. He still refuses to go to Bible Hour on Sundays, and prefers to stay in church with us. This is one reason we are pushing him to play t-ball as he doesn't always want to be a participator. He can write his name but refuses to do so by himself. He will do it if I put my hand on his. For some reason he lacks confidence in his abilities, but I see progress every day. He recently opened the car door. He was so proud of that accomplishment. He told me, "I just kept trying, and trying, and I did it!" His prayer changes each evening but one thing consistent..."please keep Delaney from picking Kids Songs and help me keep picking Thomas." (They take turns picking movies in the car and no one really enjoys Thomas except Baylor, and Delaney is the only one who enjoys kids songs!)

Favorite Food: spaghetti & meat

Favorite place to eat: McDonalds (for the toy) & Chinese Food. He also likes to eat where there is steak.

Favorite Cartoon: Scooby Doo, Little Bill

Favorite Book: Green Eggs & Ham

Favorite Toys: trains, cars, leapster

First T-Ball Practice

The kids started t-ball last Monday. Baylor lasted about 40 minutes before he wanted to retire & just sit with mommy. We forced him back out there where he spent the remainder of practice crying. I went to the car to get some distance. Delaney was a leader repeating the coach's directions. Between Monday & Thursday Baylor mentioned several times that he was not playing t-ball anymore! I had parent/teacher conferences Thursday evening so Uncle Patrick took the boys to t-ball. Baylor went without a fight and Rick said they both did good. Baylor likes to kick the dirt around more than anything, but we will just be happy if he stays involved. We praised them over and over. Baylor said, "I went to t-ball and I didn't cry." I guess I will be banned from practice for a while!