Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving in Iowa

Everyone was much happier after a stop at McDonalds!

This Thanksgiving was a little different than most. For the first time, we traveled to Iowa to be with Uncle Rusty. Uncle Rusty was released from the hospital two days before Thanksgiving which was a treat. We had Thanksgiving with Daddy's Uncle Ron & Aunt Bonnie.

We left Wednesday around 10:00 a.m. About 40 minutes into the car ride, Delaney was the first to say, "are we there yet?, when are we going to be there?"
We told her that Uncle Ron and Aunt Bonnie lived in a "land far, far and away". Of course, Delaney was full of questions the entire trip. About 5 hours into the trip, Jax said he missed home! We passed time by watching lots of movies, singing, and playing flash cards. We arrived around 5 that evening. We stayed in the basement of UncleRon and Aunt Bonnie's. Thanksgiving morning, Delaney woke up with a tummy ache. She's had them often so I didn't really think much about it. We gave her a bath and she felt better but a about ten minutes later she turned into the exorcist. Luckily, after that she was fine. She must have just had an upset stomach that morning. She ate her dinner and kept asking Uncle Ron, when it would be time for pumpkin pie. Later that evening, we went to Aunt Laura's hotel and went swimming. Baylor even jumped in the pool and went under water. Considering your nap time was very limited the past few days, everyone was pretty good. There were a few melt downs but that was to be expected. Traveling home, we had to make one extra stop for Baylor to use the potty. When we finally arrived back in Skiatook, Delaney said, "I thought I would never see this world!" Everyone, especially Jax was so happy to be home!

Thankful for...
Delaney- mommy & daddy
Jax- Jesus
Balor- Jesus

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Long Car Rides!

Sunday afternoon:
Jax: Mama, I love you so much and everyday and when I love you so much everyday, my heart is SO happy!

Traveling to a birthday party yesterday evening:
The kids are complaining about the ride taking so long. I explained that we were getting close but the party was in Broken Arrow. Delaney and Baylor started telling me how much they missed the "old" house and how they wished they lived by their friends. Delaney said, "when can we live there? when those people leave our house?"
I said I didn't know but they would just have to pray about it. A few minutes down the road I hear Baylor and Delaney each praying:
Dear God, please let those people leave our old house so we can live....
Then, I heard Jax: Dear God, I wish for strong muscles.
A minute later, Jax: mom, my wish came true, my muscles are SO strong!

Next, we are looking for the house number to the birthday party. I'm trying to make it a game and told them to look for the house number. We arrive and Jax says, "mom, you did it!!! And, you didn't even need, Dad."

Saturday, November 10, 2007


On Wednesday, I took everyone for their four-year old check-up. I knew they would be getting all of the required shots for school next year. Everyone last received shots at the age of two so they didn't really remember what it felt like. We had tried to prepare everyone all week. We said that the shots would hurt just a little. We also said if you were brave kiddos, we would go purchase a new movie. Overall, everyone was excited about going to the Doctor. Jax was excited to show Dr. Morgan his muscles and how strong he was.
Jax was a whopping 41 inches tall, while Delaney & Baylor were 40.5 inches. Jax thinks that half an inch is a really big deal because he is the tallest! I can't remember exact weights but Delaney was 37 pounds, Jax was 36 pounds and Baylor weighed in at 35.8 pounds. I was shocked that Baylor weighed the least. The boys are 50% percentile for weight and height. Delaney was ranked 50th percentile for height and 75 percentile for weight. This is the opposite of what she ranked at three.
When it was time for shots, Jax insisted on being first. The nurse had Delaney and Baylor go up to the front of the office and hang out with the receptionist and pick out some stickers. Jax was brave. The first two sticks were not too bad but the third and fourth had him in tears. His cry always breaks my heart. I was telling him he wouldn't have to do that again for a while. He still had some tears running down his cheeks as he walked out to join sister and brother. As soon as he saw Baylor he said, "Actually, Baylor, it does hurt".
Delaney decided to go next. We had to follow birth order. She never cried but whined and kept saying ouch, ouch, ouch! She was a trooper. As soon as I laid Baylor down he began to fight me and say " I don't want to lay down". He cried and screamed some. When he was finished, he said in true Baylor fashion with a scowl on his face, "I NOT doing this again. I NOT come to the doctor."
When Daddy got home and said he had heard that everyone was brave, Baylor replied, "I NOT brave. It hurt me!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Baylor wasn't much into playing games at the carnival. He only wanted popcorn!

Friday, we attended Spookoroo, Saturday we attended a Trunk or Treat, and Sunday we attended the annual Good Guy Carnival at our church. Tuesday you wore your costume at school and had a party. Finally, on Halloween we made the rounds to family and then hit a neighborhood for treating. You did well. You got lots of candy for Daddy! This year though you are monitoring your candy supply.

We are now ready for the next holiday. The Toys R Us Catalog arrived a week ago. Since then Baylor has been carrying it everywhere faithfully. His copy was a little ragged so he tradeed it in and stole a fresh copy from Nana's. He is set on getting "Mac" (a Car's truck). He likes a lot of things but this seems to have caught his eye. When he wakes up, this is the first thing he looks for.
So far Jax has really not shown interest in anything. He' s just not a toy lover. Delaney has mentioned a few things she would like Santa to bring her. The top of her list is anything to do with make-up!