Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Drive-In

It's sad to say but we haven't been to the drive-in since it re-opened.  It turned out to be the perfect evening to take in a summer movie with friends. 
The traditions continue...
Rick claimed this his best batch to date. I'd have to agree.

Boys Go to Camp

The boys opted not to go to Burnt Cabin this year.  Jax wanted to go but only with Baylor, and Baylor wasn't ready to be away from home for seven days without any of his closest buddies. (Yeah, it had nothing to do with his family).  I wasn't going to force them, as they have many years left that they can attend.  

While Delaney was at Burnt Cabin, one of the boys friends invited them to KMAK.  This was an easy decision for the boys.  They were eager to leave home for four days, with seven or more of their closest friends.  For us, it wasn't as easy of a decision, but in the end, we understood why they wanted to go.   As parents, we are certainly beginning to see some challenges from attending a church not in our community.  

The boys had a wonderful time and I am really glad that they had the opportunity to share this experience and make memories with their long time friends. It was probably a growing experience as well. They didn't have mom to pick up after them!  They managed to make it home with almost everything they took, but one of them (I will protect the guilty party) threw all their dirty,wet clothes together in their bag. Yeah, that was a smell we won't soon forget.

These boys have been friends for so many years, I almost felt sorry for their sponsor.  
After Delaney being away for an entire week, three nights didn't seem all that bad. However, it was almost eerily quiet with only one child.  We've never been parents to only one child. It's just W-E-I-R-D!

And now with everyone home, it has been anything but quiet. There are a lot of stories being swapped, "Well, at my camp, we...."

Rick and I sort of giggle and think, "One time at band camp...!"

This has also brought up a lot of discussion on what it takes to be saved and various religious beliefs.  I think this is a good thing, and I hope and pray that God is giving Rick and I the wisdom to answer all their questions and always lead them back to God's word.

Off to Church Camp

For many years, Rick and I have watched the older kids at church go off to church camp, but this year it was hard to believe that our kids were old enough to go.  Delaney had been looking forward to it for most of the year, so she had zero hesitation about heading off for the week, and church camp did not disappoint. She had a wonderful week and can not wait to return next year.

It helps to have some your closest friends with you.  

Twinkie day!

I am super thankful to those who took pictures, so I could get a small glimpse of her camp experience. I really, REALLY missed this girl while she was gone.  Sunday to Saturday is a very long time and the most I've ever been away from her; I am really hoping time slows down. This house is too weird when my little birdies leave the nest.