Saturday, November 12, 2011

2 OSU Players & a Zebra

No theme this year.

Delaney and her friend, Emily found zebra hats while shopping at Justice, so they declared they would be zebras.  I wasn't exactly sure how we were going to pull that off but we managed to do all right. 

Just as the boys were once obsessed with Star Wars, they are now obsessed with OSU and football, so this was an easy decision and costume choice for them. Baylor wanted to be Mike Gundy at the last minute but I didn't have time to pull that off.

We actually kept Halloween to a two-day event this year.  We enjoyed the carnival at church and then trick-or-treating on Halloween. 

Silly kids

Pistols firing...

We were able to hit some of our favorite houses and see some of our favorite people!


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