Sunday, October 16, 2011


Our Saturday mornings typically begin with watching the boys play ball.  I suppose it's a sacrifice to be up and out the door, but I actually enjoy it and can't think of a better way to start my Saturday mornings in fall.  Besides, if I were home, I'd probably just be cleaning. 

It was bound to happen that the boys would each have their own interest;  I am just glad that those interest haven't conflicted.  There is actually only one Saturday this fall, where they play at the same time.
Baylor has really gained confidence in soccer this year and has become a leader on his team,scoring several goals each game.

Jax is also having a great football season.  It's amazing how much more he knows than last year. Recently, they've moved him to center to snap the ball.  By far the smallest boy on the field, his strengths still lie in blocking and tackling.  However, if we jump out ahead of our opponent, he gets the opportunity to run the ball.  He's even scored a PAT (point after touchdown) this year.

We have only a few more weeks left of both football and soccer.  I will actually be really sad to see it end.


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