Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day 2006

Santa's been here!


This morning Jaxon crawled into bed with us at 5:30 a.m. He said his toe hurt and he needed to sleep with his mommy which was unusual. Mommy didn't fall back to sleep but Jaxon finally drifted off from 7:00 to 7:30. At 7:30 Jaxon and I went and woke up Baylor and then while I was changing Baylor, Jaxon snuck into the living room for a peek. He quickly went into Delaney's room where Daddy was trying to wake her up. He announced that Santa had brought presents and she quickly ran into the living room. I was chasing behind you guys trying to get it on video. At first you were almost speechless. It was if you didn't know what to say. You emptied your stockings and then we started opening your Santa gifts: drums, Diego house, & Dora cash register. You also opened your gifts from mommy and daddy. Delaney received triplet baby dolls, and the boys received Diego belts. Mommy and Daddy also bought you a CD player and bible songs cd. You each took note that Santa ate the cookies and the reindeer food was gone.

Uncle Patrick, Aunt Julie, Nana, and Mimi came over for a mid-morning breakfast. You were eager to open more gifts. You received many gifts and our house looked like a tornado went through it. I'm still now sure what we are going to do with everything.

We had a good time with Granny, Papa and all your uncles, aunts, and cousins. You received more presents including coats from Granny and Papa. Baylor who had been cranky for the past several days seemed to find his "Baylor" spirit this evening. All of you were very wound up tonight. It was a little tough getting each of you to calm down.

I would say you had a wonderful and very blessed Christmas. I know that I have loved watching you experience and enjoy this Christmas.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve 2006

Baking cookies for Santa

Great Grandchildren minus Baylor

Today, we went to church and this afternoon we baked cookies for Santa. This evening, the Young's minus Uncle Patrick (working) and Aunt Julie came over to our house. Baylor did ask, "where is Patrick?" so he was missed.

When wewwere ready to open presents Delaney was sure she was getting a Dora Kitchen and Baylor even started crying about his Diego house. I had to remind each of you that you had asked Santa for those gifts and Santa was coming later so you wouldn't be disappointed. Baylor was a little cranky but soon got into the action of opening gifts. Jaxon is the speed demon of unwrapping gifts.

All of the great grandchildren received Dominoes from Grandma and Grandpa which were very popular. Jaxon and Baylor also got Buzz Lightyear walkie talkies and Delaney got a swing for her baby doll. You also received some new games and pajamas.

Delaney made an early discovery under her pillow! Santa's elves delivered new pajamas to wear on Christmas Day. She was quite amazed that a present ended up in her room. The boys went to search their room to see if the elves had left them anything. They looked under the bed and around but Delaney finally helped them find their presents under their pillow (matching monkey pajamas). Jaxon was sure throughout the evening that at any moment Santa's elves could deliver a present again under his pillow.

We left the reindeer some hay and cookies for Santa. Delaney was off to bed quickly because Santa was coming but it took Jaxon a little longer to fall asleep because he kept thinking something might be under his pillow.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Waiting for Santa

Holiday Card Picture

Naughty or nice...waiting for Santa can be difficult.

Wednesday morning on our way to Nana's I was explaining that mommy would be home with you for a couple of weeks.
Delaney: why?
Mommy: It's Christmas break we have to get ready for Christmas and enjoy our family. It's five days till Christmas.
Delaney: It's still not Christmas AGAIN!

Tuesday bedtime:
Jaxon is being naughty, so Daddy calls Santa to report bad behavior. Jaxon went straight to his bedroom, but he kept saying, "I'm not getting any presents".
I tried telling him now that he was being a good boy that Santa would probably be able to deliver presents but Jaxon was still upset. About 30 minutes later, he wandered into the living room and repeated again that he wasn't getting presents with a very sad look. I picked up the phone and called Santa to assure him that Jaxon was now being a good boy and that he could be taken off of the naughty list.

Wednesday bedtime:
We were trying to get everyone into their pajamas and settle down for bed. We told Jaxon to go use the restroom before bed. He kept messing around, so Daddy got pretty firm with him and told him to go use the restroom or he would get a spanking. Jaxon went into the hallway for a second (he had a phone in his hand), and then popped his head around the corner and looked straight at his Dad and said, "I call Santa and your not getting presents!"

Daddy laughed outloud. I tried to contain myself.

Thursday nap time:
Delaney: Mom, what's after nap?
Mom: I don't know. We can play. Maybe, we will go rent a movie.
Delaney: Is it going to be Christmas?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Little Performing Penguins

Today, you had your first musical holiday program at school. You sang several songs about penguins and wore a little penguin mask. Each of you did very well. You knew the words to every song. Jaxon at one point jumped in front of the line to do his dance moves. Delaney was right on track the entire time. Baylor got a little side tracked at the end but it was very fun to watch all of you perform. You didn't stand near each other, so I had a hard time getting a picture of you all together. I just can't believe my babies are old enough to "perform" for an audience. (sniffle, sniffle...)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Past

3rd Christmas: Christmas 2005

Christmas morning 2005

2nd Christmas: Christmas 2004

Christmas morning 2004

First Christmas Eve

Christmas 2003: First Christmas
We went to Grandma Young's on Christmas Eve and the Ward clan came to our house Christmas Day. You spent most of the day doing the usual: sleeping, eating, and swinging. I was so thankful for having my sweet babies that year. It made Christmas that much more special.

Christmas 2004: Second Christmas
I was afraid to put up the Christmas Tree for fear that you would bring it down upon yourselves, but you actually were good about leaving the tree alone. I think we made it through the season with only one bulb being broke. We spent Christmas Eve at Grandma Young's and Christmas Day at our house. Some of your favorite gifts: Inflatable jumper from santa; Dancing Elmo from Papa & Granny and flash lights from Mommy & Daddy.
Christmas 2005: Third Christmas
I was actually surpirsed at how much you loved Christmas this year. You loved looking at lights. You didn't really know what was ahead, but once you started opening presents you certainly wanted more!!! I think you actually enjoyed the unwrapping more than the gift itself.

On Christmas Eve morning, Delaney woke up with a terrible runny nose and actually ran a low grade fever that day. Nana, Mimi, Unlce Patrick & Aunt Julie came over early and we had a nice brunch. Uncle Patrick and Aunt Julie bought you a small basketball goal which was a big hit, and a yellow weedeater that Jaxon adored and still does. That evening we began a new tradition of the Young family coming to our house on Christmas Eve. You enjoyed the evening by playing on a inflatable punching bag from DeAyn. You decided it would be funny if you all tried to sit on it and you kept falling off.

On Christmas Day, we had a wonderful christmas morning. Santa brought Delaney a baby doll and the boys Thomas trains. That was probably one of your favorite gifts that year. Delaney also received her first purse which she insisted on carrying with her everywhere for the next two months. Christmas was on a Sunday so we went to church. We arrived a little late because it was difficult getting you to leave your gifts. That evening, Papa, Granny, Aunts, Uncles and cousins came over for our final Christmas. You received a huge inflatable jumper from Uncle Rusty and Aunt Sheryl.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Delaney's dancing debut

Delaney made her dancing debut at a nursing home in Broken Arrow today. I thought I had her all ready: black leotard, christmas tights, hair bow, batteries in cameras and then as we were heading out the door, I realized that her tap shoes were not in her bag. Delaney was to perfrom both a ballet and tap dance. Apparently, we had left her tap shoes at the dance studio. Dad was mortified, and tried to go buy new tap shoes but there wasn't a dance place open that early in the morning. He finally went home and got her black dress shoes.

All was well in the end. She seemed to enjoy tap more. She often got side tracked by seeing the audience and would stand there just looking at familiar faces (Nana, Mimi, Papa & Granny, Daddy & boys), but we really enjoyed getting to see her dance!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Love at 3!

Last night, I was explaining to Jaxon that Santa would be very happy if he would use the potty. He replied, "Santa's watching!".
We agreed and then Daddy asked, " who else is always watching you?"
Jaxon didn't seem to know the answer so I said, "who is always in your heart?" and Jaxon answered, "my girlfriend, Emily".
We both giggled and your Dad shook his head in disbelief. I said, "no" but Jaxon insisted that Emily was in his heart. We said that was very nice but God should also be in your heart.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Visit to Santa

Tonight we visited Santa at the mall. We've been talking about our visit all week, so you were very excited. I hoped that you would be as excited when we got there, and not cry like last year. Before going to see Santa tonight, I gave each of you a new sweater to wear. You were very excited about that as well, and each one of you said, "thank you, mom". Jaxon even ran up and hugged my leg. I'm so happy that you are easy to please at this age. You were a little confused heading out the door. You thought Santa would give you presents tonight so I had to explain that Santa had to go back to his workshop and have his elves make them. Jaxon also thought we might see a magic train (Polar Express) and was certain he would see his girlfriend, Emily.

There was actually a short line to see Santa. Delaney was very interested, and seemed most excited to see Santa. She decided she would sit on Santa's lap first. She told Santa of several things she wanted which included Dora Kitchen, Dora computer, etc. Jaxon told Santa he wanted drums and a spiderman cup. Delaney wanted to go sit on Santa again so she could request a Dora cup. Baylor was last and he told Santa that he wanted a Diego house.

You all posed for a photograph. I can't say it was the best but I was suckered into spending the $20 because it was your first time to actually sit with Santa.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

First Snow...

Jaxon in the snow
Steady Baylor..

Jaxon in the snow!

Can we go yet?

Baylor anticipating snow!

Jaxon ready for snow or something...

Early this week they started predicting snow. We told you that you may not have school on Thursday and you informed us you would need hats and gloves to play in the snow. The past few years we really haven't had that much snow and you were always content looking at the snow so you had never really played in the snow. I knew this year would be different.

Sleet began to fall late Wednesday and Thursday morning. Of course two inches of ice to you looked like a good time. We really had to convince you to wait. Snow began to fall about 3:30 on Thursday afternoon. We convinced you that we should wait till the next day after all of the snow had fallen. It wasn't easy. We broke into an early Christmas gift: hats and gloves and you wore those in the house most of the night.

Friday morning, the first thing Delaney said was "mom, it's stopped snowing! There is giant snow out there." (We received about 10 inches. We finally got you all bundled up. I had at least 4 layers of clothes on you, which your Dad made fun of me about. I made you take your picture before we left to play in the snow which you were not happy about.

Baylor seemed to take to the snow the best at first and Jaxon was a little uneasy and timid but it soon reversed. Baylor wanted me to carry him and Jaxon did good trapcing through the snow. Delaney kept loosing her shoe so Daddy had to carry her at times. Unfortunately, the snow was very powdery so we were not able to build a snowman which upset Baylor very much. Daddy said, "maybe tomorrow"...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend

On Friday, Daddy took you to see the movie, Happy Feet while mama did a little Christmas shopping. Baylor wins the prize for most popcorn eaten! When I returned I got my first: "I really missed you mom", from Jaxon.

On Saturday, we tried putting up the Christmas tree. You got your first peek at the attic. We had some problems getting a small top section of the tree to light. This was very upsetting to Baylor, but he had a solution. He informed me that "we just needed new batteries".

On Sunday, we were able to finish decorating the tree. You are finally calling it a Christmas tree instead of a mama's tree. You had a great time helping me put on the decorations. You still can't manage to actually put them on the tree, so you hand me the ornaments and then I place them on the tree. I'm pretty controlling with the Christmas tree so that works in my favor. Baylor asked Daddy, "why don't we have lights on our house?"

You also have been practicing with Daddy on what to say when you visit with Santa. It is very cute. Here are your current Christmas wishes:

Jaxon- Diego Kitchen & drums
Delaney- Dora Kitchen, Dora computer, Dora phone
Baylor- Diego House

You have already started asking, "Is it Christmas?" So, it's going to be a long month!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

First Thanksgiving Day Picture

Thanksgiving 2006...what a warm beautiful day. It was 75 degrees and you enjoyed playing outside with your cousins. We spent the holiday at our usual stops: Nana's and then Aunt Laura's. Jaxon insisted that we would need grapes at out Thanksgiving feast so we took grapes to both houses. It was a good thing because that is pretty much all you ate. Delaney enjoyed some pumpkin pie with cool whip and Baylor loved the ham and turkey. But, for the most part you were to busy playing to worry about eating.

I still remember your first Thanksgiving. It was your first real day out of the house since you came home from the hospital. I was very excited to be out of the house for the day and have the opportunity to spend time with family showing you off. But, I was also very fearful of RSV. But, for your first day out, you were very good babies. You didn't sleep much during the day but you did sleep longer that night. If I remember correctly we didn't have to feed you until close to 5 that morning.

And an update on what you were thankful for....

I asked each of you to tell Daddy what you were thankful for and Jaxon and Delaney repeated the same as before. I asked Baylor again what he was thankful for and he said, "you, mommy". What a sweetheart!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Giving Thanks

On Monday of this week as we were on our way to Nana's in the morning, we started discussing Thanksgiving. I asked each of you what you were thankful for.
Your responses:
Jaxon- "colors"
Delaney- "God"
Baylor- "I don't know"

It's never to late...

Favorite Pastime: Making a mess!


Halloween 2006

Delaney's first day of dance

3rd Birthday Party

So there's this new thing called a blog. Well, apparently its not that new and has been around for several years now, but it's just now catching on. Since, I have not kept up with your baby books or wrote down the things I should have, I am going to give this Blog thing a try. I am hoping this will serve as a journal of your life growing up, reaching mile-stones, and give you a small sense of all the joy you bring to my life. Since, you are three years old I have some catching up to do!

Each age has brought it's share of challenges and joy. Three is no different.

Your 3rd Birthday: You anticipated this day for several months. You were constantly playing birthday party with Lego's. After watching Mickey Mouse and Dora have birthday parties you were very excited. You couldn't wait for candles, cake, presents, baloons and birthday hats. You had a "monkey" party at our home in Renaissance park with family and close friends. Delaney wanted a magna doodle, Jaxon wanted a Diego Rescue Pack (guess the imaginary one was getting old) and Baylor wanted Woody (Aunt Laura bought you Toy Story 2). You also each received 4 wheelers. I'm guessing you enjoyed it, because two months later you are still thanking God for your birthday party!

There has been a start of several first....
You started Kids Kare or what you refer as "school" and all of you love it.

Delaney you have started taking dance lessons and boys you can't wait till you play baseball.

You have enjoyed going to bible hour and are learning so many new songs. Each of you are very smart. You can sing your ABC's, count to ten, know your shapes & colors.

A little about each of you ...

Jaxon- You still have the funniest little facial expressions. You are a pretty easy going little boy and seem to do well most of the time unless there is a break in routine. You have been a mama's boy by far most of your life, but recently have become more of a daddy's boy. You really look up to your dad. You love to do "paddle" with him every night. Your favorite color is yellow and you love to paint at school. Emily Hale is your first girlfriend. You two are always playing together and sitting together in class. You are a TV watcher and love Dora, Diego and movies. You are a very picky eater and only eat chicken and bacon.

Delaney- You are such a pretty girl and everyone says you look like your aunt Laura. You have the sweetest little voice especially when you say "daddy" and "mommy". You are usually the leader of the pack and can be bossy at times, but other times you are good about sharing and taking care of your brothers. You love to draw on your magna doodle and can trace lines at school. You have recently become more of a picky eater, but you like more things than your brother. You like eating at Taco Bueno, enjoy pizza and think string cheese is a part of your daily diet. You are the first to be potty trained (a little before your 3rd bday), but you are very demanding about which pair of underwear you want to wear for the day. The clothes battle is just beginning. Oh, and when you are tired....look out, it gets ugly!!!

Baylor- You are such a sweet, lovable boy. As a baby you were very much a daddy's boy but you have recently become more of a mama's boy. You are very smart and you have a great sense of direction. (Your still working on your colors!) You have become infatuated with power rangers and "Buzz Lightyear". You are blessed with "speed" and you are one fast little guy. You also enjoy watching television and movies. Your favorite movies are Toy Story and Incredibles. You are very content with doing your "own" thing but when you get an audience you can be very goofy and do anything for a laugh. Most of the time, you are a great eater and love meat. Your world usually seems all right or all wrong!

Each of you hold such a special place in my heart. To quote one of your bible verses, "God is so good".