Saturday, March 19, 2016

Skate Day with Riveted

First School Dance

I'm still not sure how my babies are old enough to go to a school dance.  The boys were in a basketball tournament but their feelings weren't all that hurt.  It as a much bigger event for Delaney, who helped decorate and set up as a part of student council. 


Competitive season is winding down.  Delaney has competed on a level one and level three team this season, but as usual it's had its ups and downs. 

Just before spring break, she tried out for the Junior High squad and made the team.  It's going to be a huge change from competitive cheer, but I am really hoping she can embrace and find joy in something different.  She's currently excited and looking forward to going to cheer camp in Texas this summer. 

Lots of changes ahead for next year!!!

Basketball 2015

The boys had a good season most likely playing their last season of basketball together.  Next year begins school ball and Jax isn't interested in trying out.  They picked up a few first place finishes in tournaments. 

Return to the Mat

A few weeks into January, the JH coaches invited Jax to work out with the JH and varsity wrestlers after school.  With just a few weeks of practice, he decided to enter the regional tournament and ended up qualifying for state.  He went 2 and out at state but it was a good experience for him. 

Jax seems happy to have returned and Rick is secretly doing cartwheels and back handsprings!  

These Two

These two rarely fight and typically team up for all things good.  Even though, they certainly didn't need the extra credit, they decided to team up for the science fair. They waited until the last minute but still managed a second place finish in their category. 

They were also recently inducted into National Junior Honor Society.  I am very proud of both of them for making academics a high priority.