Although, I am way behind, we've been up to our usual Christmas activities. I'm sure if our life were a book, we would be boring and predicatable by now, but to my intended audience, kids, here's what we've been up to.
We actually put up the tree the day before Thanksgiving. Our drama for the day came when I had to get up in the attic to bring down the Christmas bins and tree. While bringing down the tree, the box handles broke and it toppled to the ground. Luckily, no one was injured but for a moment we were a bit fearful for the tree. Jax, immediately requested we pray for no damage, while Delaney scolded him for praying for something so insignificant. This fear of course steams from the fact that about four years ago, the kids decided to jump all over the Christmas tree breaking a very small but significant piece.
Once again, it was quite an enjoyable experience. With three helpers, the tree is up before I even know it. I had some great video of the kids rock'n around the Christmas tree, but it refuses to load. Grrr...
Moving on to the first weekend in December, which was quite busy. Friday evening, Delaney danced in the Sand Springs Christmas parade. Just as it was looking to be a great winter evening and we hit the actual parade route, it began to rain. It was more than sprinkles but not a heavy down pour. We certainly weren't prepared and we got a little wet and cold but survived. In the end, it could have been much worse.

And, I can't possibly go without mentioning that on Saturday evening, OSU earned the title of Big 12 Champions and beat that other team. (It's history) Baylor was very kind and offered to go in "my place" since it was going to be cold. I actually missed them a lot and wished they could have been there with us. Delaney and Baylor were texting from their iTouch during the first half of the game. Then, we didn't hear from them so I assumed they went to bed. It turned out that it was all a part of to their master plan, in making me think they went to bed, even though they stayed up to watch the game. Sneaky kids!
Sunday, after church, we visited Santa and everyone put in their request. Later in the week, the elves visited leaving pajamas. While I'm a fan Christmas pajamas, I guess the elves know what excites your more. Jax exclaimed, "These are the best pajamas ever!" and Delaney was thrilled to have new "smelly" pajamas.
This past weekend, we attended the Skiatook Christmas parade and ran into many friends.
This week a little baking and Christmas parties are on tap. Tis the season..