Here is a little of what we've been doing....
A couple of weeks ago, we spent the morning at the Zoo. I say morning because it was SO HOT and that was about all we could take. Many of the animals were not even out.
Enjoying the park. It was shaded and seemed to make everyone happy!
Since all went well with bunk beds on vacation, we decided to put the boys beds together. Jaxon loves sleeping on top and Baylor is very content to sleep on bottom. So, it all works out.
The past few days the kids have attended Vacation Bible School in the evening. Last year Baylor sat on the sidelines with me, but this year Baylor joined the festivities and told Delaney, "you were right, VBS is fun"! While they enjoyed VBS last year, I think they enjoyed it even more this year. I can tell they are starting to be ready to go to school (some structure). Here the kids are sorting through all of their school supplies and packing their backpacks.
Delaney proudly displaying her High School Musical Backpack!
Today we went swimming with friends. The kids had not been swimming in about five days. With Vacation Bible School in the evenings, we couldn't afford to make two trips to Tulsa. I think they were seriously having withdrawal symptoms. Yesterday, I was talking with Delaney and telling her that I would have to go back to work soon. She was asking if I wanted to go back to work and I told her not really since I enjoyed spending time with them. Jax caught the tail end of the conversation and said, "we been spending time together, we need to go swimming"!
Enjoying the park. It was shaded and seemed to make everyone happy!
Since all went well with bunk beds on vacation, we decided to put the boys beds together. Jaxon loves sleeping on top and Baylor is very content to sleep on bottom. So, it all works out.
The past few days the kids have attended Vacation Bible School in the evening. Last year Baylor sat on the sidelines with me, but this year Baylor joined the festivities and told Delaney, "you were right, VBS is fun"! While they enjoyed VBS last year, I think they enjoyed it even more this year. I can tell they are starting to be ready to go to school (some structure). Here the kids are sorting through all of their school supplies and packing their backpacks.
Delaney proudly displaying her High School Musical Backpack!
Today we went swimming with friends. The kids had not been swimming in about five days. With Vacation Bible School in the evenings, we couldn't afford to make two trips to Tulsa. I think they were seriously having withdrawal symptoms. Yesterday, I was talking with Delaney and telling her that I would have to go back to work soon. She was asking if I wanted to go back to work and I told her not really since I enjoyed spending time with them. Jax caught the tail end of the conversation and said, "we been spending time together, we need to go swimming"!
The kids really enjoyed playing with their friends and being in the water. After several days of being really moody at the house, everyone was all smiles at the pool.
Mid jump shots!
Hopefully, we can get in a few more pool days next week before I have to officially report back to work. Getting back into the groove though is going to be a challenge.
Mid jump shots!
Hopefully, we can get in a few more pool days next week before I have to officially report back to work. Getting back into the groove though is going to be a challenge.